Hosted by Burt Williamson, White Bear Comedy Club is a weekly event featuring the best comedic talent across the whole UK Comedy Circuit. The line up features a fantastic mixture of comedians and is surely one you wouldn't want to miss!
Sarah Roberts
An adorable work in progress from the world’s youngest, smallest, most normal comedian. High-brow, guy’s gal, hates attention, this “very brave” comedian touches on hard-hitting topics but in like, a lmfao-hitting way. Expect important and timely questions such as, “Was I Henry VIII in my past life?” “Would you still fancy me if I was a worm?” and “Can I vape on stage?”
Komedia New Comedy Award finalist 2023. Leicester Square New Act runner up 2022. BBC New Comedy Award nominee 2022.
'Phenomenal new talent, destined for stardom!' (Catherine Bohart). 'Remarkable' (ThreeWeeks). 'Utterly self-absorbed' (
Twitter: SarahRoberts_69
Instagram: sarahroberts_69
TikTok: sarahroberts69
An adorable work in progress from the world’s youngest, smallest, most normal comedian. High-brow, guy’s gal, hates attention, this “very brave” comedian touches on hard-hitting topics but in like, a lmfao-hitting way. Expect important and timely questions such as, “Was I Henry VIII in my past life?” “Would you still fancy me if I was a worm?” and “Can I vape on stage?”
Komedia New Comedy Award finalist 2023. Leicester Square New Act runner up 2022. BBC New Comedy Award nominee 2022.
'Phenomenal new talent, destined for stardom!' (Catherine Bohart). 'Remarkable' (ThreeWeeks). 'Utterly self-absorbed' (
Twitter: SarahRoberts_69
Instagram: sarahroberts_69
TikTok: sarahroberts69
Kiran Deol
Kiran is a comedian who was recently named one of Entertainment Weekly’s “11 Asian American Comics Who Killed It This Year.”
As an actor, she starred on the NBC/Hulu comedy Sunnyside, in addition to other shows like How to Get Away with Murder and Modern Family.
She’s a co-host on Crooked Media’s Hysteria podcast and a touring stand-up comedian who headlined the NY Comedy Festival, the Kennedy Center, and more.
As a writer/director, Kiran has made films for HBO and Sundance, been nominated for an Emmy, and shortlisted for an Academy Award.
She loves naps and ice cream.