Frances Keyton, the spirited Welsh comedian, brings a unique twist to the comedy scene. As the offspring of a father known for his ventures into the realm of erotica writing, Frances adds a dash of cheeky charm to her performances.
A standout talent, Frances has left her mark on the comedy circuit, making waves as a Semi Finalist at Soho Comedy Labs Plus 2023 and a Finalist for the West End New Act of the Year 2022 and Max Turner Prize 2022. Her infectious humour has also earned her spots on esteemed platforms like the Leicester Square New Comedian of the Year 2022 and the Funny Women Awards 2021 shortlist. Notably, Frances made a mark as a Semi Finalist in the SYTYF 2022 and on the shortlist for the BBC New Comedy Awards 2021.
Broadway World aptly notes, “Frances weaves between confident humour and openness with ease,” capturing the essence of her captivating and delightful comedic style. Keep an eye out for this rising star whose laughter-inducing tales are bound to leave audiences in stitches.