“Netflix and Chilton” is Comedian Luke Chilton’s debut comedy show! Expect sexual exploration, coming of age shenanigans and a hilarious dissection of a complete medically approved psychotic breakdown.

Much like Netflix, most of this show is aimless entertainment slop but every now and then something seriously cool and worthwhile pops up that will have you and your pals talking.

Subscribe now! Stop relying on your mum or ex partner and pay for something yourself!

Disclaimer: watching this show will not make your partner want to sleep with you. It may, however, make you want to sleep with Luke Chilton

Expect sexual exploration, coming of age shenanigans and a hilarious dissection of a complete medically approved psychotic breakdown.

Much like Netflix, most of this show is aimless entertainment slop but every now and then something seriously cool and worthwhile pops up that will have you and your pals talking.

Subscribe now! Stop relying on your mum or ex partner and pay for something yourself!

Disclaimer: watching this show will not make your partner want to sleep with you. It may, however, make you want to sleep with Luke Chilton
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